Friday, October 29, 2010

Redeeming Love

    "She drank in the words of salvation and redemption though she felt she had no right to them. She was so hungry and thirsty, she panted like a deer after the water of life."

     I recently read Francine Rivers' novel Redeeming Love for the second time. Once again I was completely captivated - not only by the story and the characters, but by God's all-consuming love for us. Francine Rivers is an inspiration to me as a writer because her stories are truly InspiredByGod. God's breath is evident on every word. By the time I finished reading the book (both times), I had a newfound hunger and a thirst for more of God's Word. This time in particular, I had a greater desire to learn more about the depth of God's love. That is when is discovered Isaiah 43... God's love letter to us.  He begins by saying,

"...Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name: thou art mine."

     First of all, what exactly does it mean to be "redeemed"? Well, some definitions include: to pay for, to set free, and to make up for. This tells me that 1.) God paid the price for me. Though I was completely worthless, God looked beyond my faults and saw something redeemable. He shed His blood and paid the ultimate price, all so that He could call me His. 2.) God set me free from the bondage of my sin and shame. I was bound by own chains, but His death on the cross loosened the chains and allowed me to expereince His saving freedom. 3.) God made up for my mistakes. I was the one to blame, but God took my sin upon His shoulders so that I could be found blameless in the Father's eyes. And finally... to redeem is "to save from a state of sinfulness and its consequences; to restore the honor, worth or reputation of." In other words, God is saying, "Don't be afraid. I have already paid your debt, and set you free from bondage. Not only have I saved you from your past and the consquences that followed, but I have restored your honor and reputation as well. I love you that much! I saw something in you that was worth suffering and dying for. You are worth the cost of redemption! I see the potential for greatness in you, and I have a purpose for you that only you can fulfill. GOD LOVES YOU! The creator of the universe called you out by name, just so He could tell you He loved you. He paid the ultimate price by eduring death on a cross, just so He could call you His own.

*Reading Recomendation:
     -Isaiah 43
     -Ephesians 2:4-10
     -Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers
*Music Recomendation:
     -"How He Loves" by John Mark McMillian

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